CONCORDIA Impact Report 2022/23

Read in our international impact report from the year 2022/23 what we have achieved with our projects.

The Russian attack on Ukraine has been going on for almost one and a half years - and there is still no end in sight. The war and its consequences have a major impact on the CONCORDIA countries.The Republic of Moldova has been hardest hit and the political and humanitarian crises required swift intervention throughout 2022. In Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, and Austria, we opened our doors to Ukranian refugees and offered new programmes to support them. In 2022, we were able to support a total of 13,018 people with our regular programme, and 16,415 refugees with our Ukraine emergency aid.

CONCORDIA stays and helps people in greatest need, that is our mission. Those on the run as well as those who suffer even more from poverty due to the consequences of war.
We are convinced that every child has the potential and the right to spread their wings and realise their dreams. Together, we remain steadfast in the face of adversity and are committed
to breaking down barriers and opening doors so that all children and young people can live self-determined lives out of marginalisation.

Read the entire international report here:

Download International Impact Report 2022/23

(The Impact Report of Switzerland is only available in german at the moment.)

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